
Green Phone of the Association Franjo Koščec received a number of inquiries related to the ragweed on uncultivated parcels.

Ragweed is one of the major allergens, it benefits from the high temperatures and summer droughts, and irregular maintenance of green spaces and increasing amount of uncultivated land are also one of the reasons for the increase in the number of people who are sensitive to ragweed.

Since the mandatory measures to remove ragweed were prescribed, it is up to us to clean their land of ragweed, warn the neighbours about it, all of which can be reported by calling the Green Phone, the municipal services monitoring officer or agricultural officer or who work in the municipality/city.

By adopting the Decision on the removal and destruction of ragweed in their area, local government units define the general provisions governing the measures and the areas from which the ragweed is being removed, the obligors, method and time of the removal of ragweed, who performs the supervision and which measures can be taken, as well as and misdemeanour sanctions. (Image downloaded from https://themajka.com/)