Bulletin of Green Phone Network from Croatia, 2012
The Green Phones’ bulletin that you have in front of you is the final product of the project “Green Phone Network” financed by the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection. The project started in July 2011 and lasted until the end of August 2012. Through this project, a detailed analysis of reports with reference to the most commonly reported problems per county, cooperation with competent services, the profile of notifiers, and the role of GP in the process of resolving the report, our goal was to point out the weaknesses and advantages of the former cooperation and point to the possibility of improving it. Likewise, by the analysis of calls we showed the most common problems encountered by the activists and notifiers. Analysis of the reports in electronic and printed form is the final product of a series of activities: daily standing-by and regular receiving of calls, contacting the competent services, field checks of the reports, recording and analysing via existing forms, narrative reporting to the coordinator of the Network, publication of advices and articles on the Network’s webpages.