Green Phone Inquiries

In order to demonstrate the work of activists on the Green Phone, their patience, perseverance, and commitment which are required, we thought it would be the best to show you the cases (Inquiries) which we have been solving. As you will see, the methods and approaches to solving the problems differ from case to case, likewise some of them are solved successfully, and some are still ongoing. Other than the mere presentation of our work, it is our desire is to give you some new ideas for solving environmental problems in your environment. Each case contains the category to which it relates, and the name of the association which resolved the case.

One of the constant problems encountered by the Environment Protection Organisation Nobilis while working on the Green Phone is precisely the discharge of slurry on private lands by careless neighbours.

The reports are most often made in the area of upper Međimurje, whether these are private fields, orchards or gardens. The area itself is specific due to the natural configuration of the soil where the adjacent property is usually on higher ground.

Citizens reported to the Green phone of the association Krka - Knin that the bridge on Krčić was devastated and dangerous.

The Association has informed the city of Knin and HEP thereof and in a few days the bridge was repaired.

This is a good example of cooperation and encouragement that all of us should work on it in order to stop the devastation of the bridge and other public areas in the city.

In May this year, the Association Sunce received a case which we named Ravno Vrdovo.

We received a report for the open dump at the entrance to the city of Varaždin via the Green phone of the Association Franjo Koščec.
The accumulations of various wastes (bulk, construction waste) are located on the plots owned by the city of Varaždin.

We forwarded the report to the city of Varaždin, the Administrative Department of Public Utilities and Urban Planning, which then went to the field and took appropriate measures for the treatment of waste.

The Green phone of Eco Pan received several reports during the spring related to the discharge of waste and sewage water on the adjacent parcels, open channels for rainwater, fields, etc., in towns and suburban settlements around the city of Karlovac.

During last summer, the Association Žmergo received a report related to noise pollution via the Green Phone. A representative of the tenants in Davorina Trinajstića Street in Opatija complained about the noise coming from a generator from one of the stores, which is particularly evident at night when it is completely silent, and most residents sleep with their windows open.

Green Istria Green Phone service received numerous calls about the endangerment of aquatic habitats in Istria. The most recent example is the devastation of Rakov potok (Crab Creek) in Cerovlje Municipality. As is evident from its name, this creek is the habitat of a multitude of endangered native river crabs that are protected by law (NN 70/05) and have been included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as well as Appendix III of the Bern Convention.
