Green Phone Inquiries

In order to demonstrate the work of activists on the Green Phone, their patience, perseverance, and commitment which are required, we thought it would be the best to show you the cases (Inquiries) which we have been solving. As you will see, the methods and approaches to solving the problems differ from case to case, likewise some of them are solved successfully, and some are still ongoing. Other than the mere presentation of our work, it is our desire is to give you some new ideas for solving environmental problems in your environment. Each case contains the category to which it relates, and the name of the association which resolved the case.

On the very day of the Planet Earth in 2015, citizens called the Green Phone of the Green Action with a request to help them save two Lombardy poplar trees and one cypress tree in the courtyard of their building, which several tenants wish to cut down.

Via the Green Phone of Pan, Association for Environment Nature and Protection, we received a report on wounded swan in a forest near Orlovac.

We informed the Centre 112 on the finding of the injured swan and the Public Institution for the Management of Protected Nature Areas in the area of Karlovac County - Natura Viva.

The wounds of the injured swan have been healed by Mladen Bulat from Karlovac who was informed thereof by the Centre 112. According to the veterinarian Bulat, visibly exhausted swan had an injured leg from which he removed a round bullet.

Via the Green Phone of the Association Zelena Istra (Green Istria), in July 2015 we received a report by the citizens about the excessive noise level by the hospitality facilities at the street Osipovica in Medulin, on Medulin seafront, and citizens note that the music id loud every night from 17 p.m. to 4 a.m., and that the noise is unbearable.

Association Sunce received one case in March this year via the Green Phone, from the island of Šolta, which deals with the intended project “Setting vineyards on the island of Šolta”, which should be carried out by a private company.

In the Study on the mentioned request, it is stated that the intended project wishes to perform the procedure on a location that is in the area of ecological network (area HR4000024- carbonate rocks with chasmophytic vegetation) and is adjacent to the area HR3000094 - flooded or partially flooded sea caves, reefs, Neptune grass.

During the month of April, the security-ecological organisation Nobilis received a report on the use of the herbicide "Deherban" in the middle of the settlement Čukovec in Međimurska County.

In May this year, Zeleni Osijek has received an inquiry of the citizen to the Green Phone in relation to the competence of the management of the area of eco-trails Pampas-Estuary of the river Karašica, which belongs to the Recreation Area “Drava”, which, due to its natural characteristics (picturesque, forest-covered shores, sandy beaches and dunes, abundance of fish), also represents and is recognised as a recreational tourism potential of Osiječko-Baranjska County and information related to work due to which the trail was destroyed.

In May 2015, we received yet another call via the Green Phone of Eko Pan regarding the discharge of faeces into the channel for rainwater which in this way end up directly in the river Korana in Malići.

During the summer, Eko Pan received a call to the Green Phone from the city Tounj (near Ogulin) regarding improper disposal of barrels with unknown content on a private parcel.

Given that over the past few months illegal depositing of nearly 80 barrels of hazardous waste has been recorded in Karlovačka County, citizens have become very sensitive to these illicit phenomena.

Via the Green Phone of Eko Zadar, we received a report of the resident of Sali on Dugi otok (Long Island) about illegal picking of immortelle on the islands Gornja Aba, Lavdara, and Glamoč.

Islanders assume that the pickers moved to Dugi otok, and are afraid that the island will be devastated if the illegal picking continues. We sent the report to the Municipality of Sali, to the First Police Department in Zadar, the Maritime Police, and the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection.

Green Phone of the Association Franjo Koščec received a number of inquiries related to the ragweed on uncultivated parcels.

Ragweed is one of the major allergens, it benefits from the high temperatures and summer droughts, and irregular maintenance of green spaces and increasing amount of uncultivated land are also one of the reasons for the increase in the number of people who are sensitive to ragweed.
